Source code for bigger.load.lochness

""" Example lochness surfaces. """

from __future__ import annotations

import bigger
from bigger.types import FlatTriangle
from bigger.triangulation import Triangle
from .utils import integers, extract_curve_and_test

Edge = int

[docs]def loch_ness_monster() -> bigger.MCG[Edge]: """The infinite-genus, one-ended surface. With mapping classes: - a which twists about the longitudes of the monster - b which twists about the meridians of the monster - c which twists about the curves linking the nth and n+1st handles - s which shifts the surface down""" # #---n+2---# # | /| # | / | # n n+1 n+6 # | / | # |/ | # #---n+3---# # | /| # | / | # n+4 n+5 n+4 # | / | # |/ | # #---n+2---# def link(edge: Edge) -> tuple[Edge, bool, Edge, bool, Edge, bool, Edge, bool]: n, k = divmod(edge, 6) return { 0: (6 * n - 6 + 1, False, 6 * n - 6 + 3, True, 6 * n + 1, True, 6 * n + 2, False), 1: (6 * n + 2, False, 6 * n, False, 6 * n + 3, True, 6 * n + 6, True), 2: (6 * n + 4, True, 6 * n + 5, False, 6 * n, False, 6 * n + 1, True), 3: (6 * n + 6, True, 6 * n + 1, False, 6 * n + 4, False, 6 * n + 5, True), 4: (6 * n + 5, False, 6 * n + 2, True, 6 * n + 5, True, 6 * n + 3, False), 5: (6 * n + 3, False, 6 * n + 4, False, 6 * n + 2, True, 6 * n + 4, True), }[k] T = bigger.Triangulation[Edge].from_pos(integers, link) shift = T.isometry(T, lambda edge: edge + 6, lambda edge: edge - 6) def generator(name: str) -> bigger.Encoding[Edge]: if name in ("s", "shift"): return shift curve, test = extract_curve_and_test("abc", name) if curve == "a": return T(lambda edge: 1 if edge % 6 in {1, 2, 3, 5} and test(edge // 6) else 0).twist() if curve == "b": return T(lambda edge: 1 if edge % 6 in {4, 5} and test(edge // 6) else 0).twist() if curve == "c": def c(edge: Edge) -> int: n, k = divmod(edge, 6) if test(n) and test(n + 1): return {0: 2, 1: 4, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2}[k] elif test(n): return {0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 0, 3: 2, 4: 1, 5: 1}[k] elif test(n + 1): return {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 1}[k] else: return 0 return T(c).twist() raise ValueError(f"Unknown mapping class {name}") def layout(triangle: Triangle[Edge]) -> FlatTriangle: n, k = divmod(triangle[0].edge, 6) return { 0: ((n, 2.0), (n, 1.0), (n + 1.0, 2.0)), 1: ((n + 1.0, 2.0), (n, 1.0), (n + 1.0, 1.0)), 3: ((n + 1.0, 1.0), (n, 1.0), (n + 0.1, 0.0)), 2: ((n + 0.1, 0.0), (n + 1.0 - 0.1, 0.0), (n + 1.0, 1.0)), }[k] return bigger.MCG(T, generator, layout)